I told you I was resourceful. Yesterday, I did a self portrait for my blog logo. With one drawback- I have no equipment. But I was still able to manage all the challenges:
Challenge # 1- No studio lighting.
I rigged up my own key light with a microphone stand and a desk lamp. I clamped the lamp to the microphone clip and raised it to the height that I wanted. Then I rubberbanded a T-shirt to the front of the lamp for diffusion. I used a left over mounting board from one of my assignments for a reflector. And I just waited until night so I wouldn't get any window light mixing in.
Challenge # 2- Wardrobe Malfunction-
I planned to use these really cute false eyelashes but I couldn't get them on straight. Because my eyes were the key element in this image, they had to be right. So I eighty-sixed the lashes and re-did my eye make up with heavy mascara instead.
Challenge # 3- No studio equipment-
I have yet to purchase equipment and I needed a backdrop stand, backdrop and posing stool. I found some remnant fabric from Joann's for a dollar something and duct taped it to the wall. I used a lawn chair making sure I sat up high enough so that you couldn't see the back of the chair in the picture.
Challenge # 4- Software issues-
I've got (a) PC desktop with CS3 but won't upload RAW images, (b) a PC laptop with CS3 that will upload RAW images, but is corrupted or something so that it freezes up at any moment ( I need a techie type to look at it), and (c) a mac-mini with no Adobe software on it. So to overcome this, I set my camera to
to shoot both RAW and jpegs, so that I could work off the jpeg from my desktop.
I did a few workarounds in Photoshop to help the white balance. (I kept the RAW files for possible future use. I will upload with the rest of the stuff I shot this weekend once I get back to school).
Final image:
awesome Ta-Tanisha. I suggest you check out some Nvision bulbs from Home depot. They are 5500Kelvin (exactly daylight) and put out some pretty clean light. You wouldn't have to worry about color in post.